Gian Renato Marchisio
Having achieved a Masters degree in Western philosophy he approaches Iyengar yoga practice in 1998 with Maria Paola Grilli in order to tackle asthma problems and receives his teacher’s diploma for the Iyengar method in 2005.
He meets Dona Holleman and with her improves and deepens his studies of the asanas, pranayama and the methodology of teaching and obtains his teacher’s diploma for Centered Yoga in 2010.
As a founding member of the ICYA – International Centered Yoga Association – in 2012 he figured amongst the teachers who were entitled by her to represent the method on occasion of the International Centered Yoga Convention.
He starts practicing Ashtanga yoga in 2003. He studies with Kristina Karitinos-Ireland and in 2012 obtains the authorisation to teach by Manju Pattabhi Jois. From December 2012 onwards he studies with Sri R Sharath Jois at the Sri K Pattabhi Jois Asthanga Yoga Institute of Mysore and in January 2015 obtains the official authorisation to teach Asthanga Yoga Level I. In 2022, Guruji Sharath Jois blessed him with authorisation Level II.
Stefania Valbusa
Authorised Level I SYC teacher
Manager in the field of communications in the publishing sector in 2003 approaches the Iyengar yoga practice searching for an adequate way of stress management.
In 2007 she meets Dona Holleman and after a training course of three years in 2010 obtaines her Centered Yoga teacher’s diploma and figures amongst the founding members of the International Centered Yoga Association.
She deepens the dynamics of the synergy between movement and breath through her practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. She follows the teacher trainings of Asthanga Vinyasa Yoga First Series and Intermediate Series of Kristina Karintios-Ireland and regularly deepens with her her practice of the asanas (First and Second Series), of pranayama and chanting.
She follows the seminars of Manju Jois, Chuck Miller, Matthew Vollmer, Mark Robberds, Petri Raisanen, Gabriele Severini.
In 2013 starts studying with Sri R Sharat Jois at the Sri K Pattabhi Jois Ashtangha Yoga Institute of Mysore and in January 2018 obtains the official authorisation to teach Asthanga Yoga Level I. In 2022 she received her Master’s degree in Yoga Studies at Cà Foscari University in Venice.